Ultrasonography and Echo Services For better Results
Exploring Ultrasonography and Echo at Kanaga Hospitals
Ultrasound is a remarkable medical imaging technique that uses sound waves to create real-time pictures inside your body. The sound echoes bounce off your organs and tissues, which are dynamically portrayed in shades of gray. It has revolutionized through medical diagnosis and treatment.
The ultrasonic machine sends high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to your ears. These waves travel through your body, reflecting tissues or organs like echoes. The machine captures the echoes and uses them to create the image on the screen.
The resulting image is called a sonogram, which depends on the density and elasticity of the tissues. Dense tissues like bones reflect the sound waves strongly and appear white on a sonogram. Softer tissues like muscles and organs reflect less, appearing gray—the fluid field areas like pregnant women.
Reproductive health: From confirming pregnancy and monitoring fatal development in diagnosing cysts and fibroids. Ultrasound helps women’s reproductive health.
Internal organs: Examining the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and pancreas for abnormalities to access the blood flow within these organs. Ultrasound offers valuable insights into internal organs.
Musculoskeletal system: Diagnosing muscle tears, tendon injuries, and joint information is made easier with ultrasound visualization of soft tissues.
Cardiac health: Echocardiograms, a specialized type of ultrasound, play a crucial role in
• Evaluating heart function
• Valve problems
• Blood flow within the heart